Machetes and mirrors
80 (H) x 100 (W) x 100 (D) cm

創見資訊股份有限公司,台北,台灣 典藏
The artist composed this installation by assembling common Taiwanese knives into a shape resembling a childhood puzzle piece, similar to a Lego. Every time this work is installed, the pieces are combined in a different fashion, producing a different sculptural shape that reflects the life stage and mood of the artist himself. Taking a domestic object as its base, the work represents the artist’s unstable idea of “home.”

I have started to use everyday objects in my artworks since 2011. I kept seeking inspiration from commodities in daily life. By bringing in life experiences and imagination, I made installations by abandoning the originally practical functions of objects.
The idea of this artwork came from an incident. Upon cutting myself when I cooked, I saw my inner self mirrored in the blood and realized the reality of life I’m confronting. People are always in pursuit of better material life under social disciplines in a competitive society. To me, there is just a thin line between a beautiful life and a non-beautiful life. In the artwork, I deploy a concept of resembling toys inspired by childhood memory. I try to transform experiences of various life modes and in life stages into creating. The artwork changes based on time, space, and living experiences. The repetitious objects in the artwork represent daily routines, which no human can avoid in the reality. The dangerous quality of the objects reveals the artist’s self-mocking.