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同心圓-小屋紀錄片 Documentary Of CONCENTRIC CIRCLES-HOUSE

同心圓-小屋紀錄片 Documentary Of CONCENTRIC CIRCLES-HOUSE

同心圓 - 小屋 Concentric Circles - A House 鋼刀, 鏡子 102 x 145 x 60 cm 2013

I have been producing artworks with objects in my everyday life since 2011. I kept seeking inspiration from commodities in daily lives. By bringing in life experiences and imagination, I made installations by abandoning the originally practical functions of objects.

The idea of this artwork came from an incident. Upon cutting myself while I was cooking, I saw my inner self mirrored in the blood and realized the reality of life I was confronting. People are always in pursuit of better material life under social disciplines in a competitive society. To me, there is just a thin line between a beautiful life and a non-beautiful life. In the artwork, I deployed a concept of resembling toys inspired by childhood memories. I tried to transform experiences of various life modes and in life stages into creattion. The artwork changes based on time, space, and living experiences. The repetitious objects in the artwork represent daily routines which no human can avoid in the reality. The dangerous quality of the objects reveals the artist’s self-mocking.

從2011年開始 我開始尋找生活中物件溝通的創作方式 從日常生活中我們最不停在使用的各樣物件進行發想 思考抽離物件原有的實用功能 將生活的經驗帶入物件的想像 這件作品我運用童年玩具組合的概念 我試著將各式各樣組合的形態轉換經驗 或生活階段性的變化 作品也會依著時間,空間不斷的改變 隨著生活經驗 去建構一個它可能的立體狀態 物件的重複如同每天日常生活的循環 而物件本質帶有傷害的特性 也是我面對生活經驗的自嘲 作品透過刀子的任意組合 反映了我自身的一個狀態 一種不穩定的生活以及心理的狀態 刀子的組成在堆疊中會有傷害自身的危險 必須透過組裝演練才能完整的將它組裝起來 這也反映了我生活 面對生活的態度 因此這件作品會依著我每一個階段性心境下的轉變 或隨著思考及經驗的不同 不斷的在改變


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